News & Updates
See what we’ve been up to lately.
Local Groups hold Mock Hearing to Improve State Energy Strategy
The state agencies responsible for ensuring rates are ‘just and reasonable’ have failed us. The mock hearing was hosted in part because the NH DOE did not offer any public hearing or information session themselves.
NH Residents Say “Polluting Power - We’re Not Buying it”
Residents of New Hampshire gathered in Arms park to hear speeches about the impacts that rate hikes have on our communities, and the ways that utility companies use their money and political power to keep rates high and polluting energy on the grid. Then, residents walked down Commercial Street to Eversource Energy’s office and hung a banner with messages from the community on it - namely “Polluting power - we’re not buying it.”
Climate In the Classroom with the 350NH Youth Team
Support the 350NH Youth Team in their fight for better climate change education.
Coalition of Peace and Environmental Organizations Call for Peace and Climate Action
Climate justice also means fighting for peace.