Climate and Peace Groups Rally to End War and Warming
The global call to end fossil fuels was uplifted by climate and peace groups in New Hampshire
CONCORD, NH -- Climate and Peace groups rallied in Concord on September 15th to call attention to the connections between climate change, militarism, and fossil fuels. A number of participants at the rally were then heading to New York City for the March to End Fossil Fuels on September 17th.
"War and climate issues are deeply intertwined. Wars are often fought for access to natural resources, they are environmentally devastating where they happen, and the US Pentagon is the largest institutional consumer of fossil fuels in the world. We are pleased to be a part of a coalition and an event highlighting these connections," said Amy Antonucci, NH Peace Action board member.
"In the U.S. we now spend an average of $170 billion each year recovering from climate disasters,” said Em Friedrichs, fellow with 350 New Hampshire. “In the 1980s the average–once we adjust for inflation–was only $13 billion. To those who say a rapid transition away from fossil fuels is too expensive and too disruptive, we can't afford to not transition–and our farmers, our healthcare providers, and our wildlife all agree with the economics."
New Hampshire’s summer of increased flash flooding and thunderstorms showed that now more than ever we need to take action to stop the climate crisis and achieve peace. One in five premature deaths worldwide are caused by the burning of fossil fuels every year. That’s before you factor in all of the other disasters – wars, droughts, fires, flooding, heatwaves, and more – that are being caused by fossil fuels.
“Climate migration is happening because many people are forced to leave their home countries due to extreme weather situations around the world, many including floods, heat waves, droughts, and wildfires,” said New Hampshire Representative Maria Perez of Milford, NH. “In some cases, like my country, we had many years of war and people didn’t have any other choice but to escape the country to live. Why is migration increasing? Because the world has refused to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and halt rising global average temperature, which leads to more climate disasters.”
“Being part Native American and having lived on the Navajo Reservation taught me to be keenly aware of the circle of life,” said Fawn Gaudet, New Hampshire Indigenous Activist. “For a long time this circle has been broken, and some of the reasons are the effects of militarism and the extraction of fossil fuels on Indigenous lands. I hope for a world without the use of fossil fuels and nuclear weapons and no need for uranium to create them. Let’s harness clean energy. Let's make sure we have people in public office that will ensure the protection of our planet.”
New Hampshire Peace Action, NH Sierra Club, 350 New Hampshire, NHUCC Peace with Justice Advocates, Granite State Organizing Project, and Climate Action NH planned this rally, recognizing that fossil fuels are a major reason for war and climate disaster. This rally and the March in New York City reinforce the UN Climate Ambition Summit’s call for world leaders to take real steps to lead us off of fossil fuels and protect our people and planet. Thousands of people in New York and across the country are joining the call to end fossil fuels and protect our communities.
Catherine M. Corkery, NH Sierra Club Chapter Director said, “The hottest summer on record brought rain, smoke, heat and the promise of more unpredictable weather events for New Hampshire, North America, and the world. Scientists said to shift away from fossil fuels. We are making progress by revoking all leases for drilling in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge, critical land for the Gwich'in People. New Hampshire is making progress with weatherization and energy efficiency programs. But they need to be expanded. Governor Sununu's resistance to solar energy, passenger trains, energy efficiency and smart grids is from the ideological right; it is cruel. People with the least means are burdened with the highest property taxes and energy bills in the Northeast. We deserve a world free from fossil fuels. This is our chance, and New Hampshire’s opportunity, to break free from fossil fuels and build a just and safe future.”
New Hampshire Peace Action, NH Sierra Club, 350 New Hampshire, NHUCC Peace with Justice Advocates, Granite State Organizing Project, and Climate Action NH had a hand in supporting this rally. Please reach out if you have questions about our organizations.