Keep NH in Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative!

New Hampshire is currently a participating member of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), the first mandatory greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions cap-and-trade system in North America. This program is good for New Hampshire and good for the planet - but it is under threat!! NH House Bill 0208, just introduced, would repeal NH’s participation in RGGI. There is an open hearing on Thursday, January 22 at 10:00 a.m. in Representatives Hall, State House, Concord, where concerned citizens can testify in support of RGGI (and against HB 0208), or register their opinions in writing. Please attend if at all possible!!

It is VITAL that we all contact the Science Technology and Energy Committee, where this bill has been introduced. Our representatives do pay attention to our views. To send an email to all committee members, use

The RGGI program has been in place since 2009 and regulates fossil fuel-powered electric generating plants in nine Northeast and mid-Atlantic states.1 Research during the past five years indicates that the program has lead to reductions in CO2 and other dangerous air pollution (e.g. mercury, sulfur). This is an important step toward reducing CO2 emissions that are causing the planet to warm. The reduction in emissions has also been beneficial to the health of citizens, particularly those with conditions such as asthma.

The fees paid by the carbon-emitting power plants provide income to the participating states. The funds go toward energy efficiency programs and other projects that benefit NH residents. 


Earth Day Rally April 22nd!


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