Earth Day Rally April 22nd!

Earth Day is Wednesday, April 22nd! "Lead Us to Clean Energy" rally in Concord, NH! Join us!

Where: State House, Concord, NH (sidewalk on Main Street)

When: 12 noon - 1:30 p.m.

Who: You! Everyone who cares about the health of our planet!

Why: We call upon state leaders to support policies that encourage energy efficiency and the development of renewable energy!

The timing of this is particularly important as the House version of the state budget includes raiding $52million from the Renewable Energy Fund.  These funds have had bipartisan support and have encouraged job growth in the renewable energy sector.  The money comes from electric rate payers and has been critical to fund over 2000 NH based energy-saving projects.   Currently the State Senate is debating the budget and opposition to this raid needs to be heard.

There will be a petition to the Governor and Senate and House Committees  calling for support for support for renewable energy in 4 specific areas: efficiency, solar, offshore wind, and keeping the Renewable Energy Fund. Please come and bring signs to get out the message to our state leaders!  Show up for the Earth!


Did you know NH has a cap on solar energy?


Keep NH in Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative!