State Department Reps Rebuff Attempt to Deliver Notice of Pipeline Protest

PORTSMOUTH, NH –An attempt to inform federal officials or their representatives of a pending Keystone XL pipeline protest was rebuffed Tuesday morning at the National Visa Center and Consular Affairs at Pease Tradeport.

“It was a courtesy call," said Hilary Clark, one of three people in the Keystone XL Pledge of Resistance delegation. “We just wanted to inform officials that there would be a protest rally at their buildings if the State Department recommends allowing the Keystone XL pipeline to go through.”

More than 75,000 people nationally have pledged to participate in non-violent civil disobedience if the State Department recommends that President Obama approve the pipeline. The pipe would carry 800,000 barrels a day of toxic tar sand oil from Canada through the U.S. to be refined and exported overseas.

The undelivered letter, similar to ones hand-delivered at up to 100 sites around the nation this week, gave notice of peaceful civil disobedience protests planned if the State Department gives a nod to the pipeline.

Security officers informed Clark of York, Maine, and Cathy Wolff and Betty Olivolo, both of Kittery, that the National Visa Center was private property and they were trespassing.

The delegation acknowledged the Visa center is managed by a private British firm (Serco), that contracts with the State Department.

“However, it’s still the only representation of the U.S. State Department in Northern New England,” said Clark. “And this is the location we intend to return to if this disastrous pipeline is approved.”

The protests are being coordinated by For more information go to

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