No Transmission Lines Through Little Bay

Eversource wants to build transmission lines through little bay but we don't need them.  Here's why.

1) We don't need new energy infrastructure.  Eversource wants to build these transmission lines to strengthen their grip on our energy system because they are losing control.  With more households, businesses, and towns investing in community-owned solar, we don't need any new transmission lines running across our state.

2) Running transmission lines through the bay would stir up decades of chemicals like mercury that have settled in the bay creating public health and environmental problems for years to come.

3) Over 500,000 square feet of land will need to be cleared to make way for the new transmission lines.  This will have a dramatic effect on the rural character or the Seacoast and disturb historical sites along the route of the transmission lines.

On May 29th the Site Evaluation Committee (SEC) will be deciding whether or not Eversource needs to study alternative ways of running transmission lines under the bay.  This gives us a pivotal opportunity to make this project more expensive and time-consuming for Eversource.  If the SEC forces Eversource to use a more expensive but safer method of crossing the bay it's possible that Eversource will deem the project too expensive and pull out.

Will you join us on May 29th to tell the Site Evaluation Committee that Eversource needs to protect the bay?


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