Cheers to NH's Largest Climate Rally!

Yesterday I marched with 200 others in the biggest climate rally New Hampshire has ever seen. Our action in Portsmouth showed me the potential of our state to speak up for climate justice.

Sure, we enjoyed the music, art and energy of the action. But we are motivated by something bigger.

I am motivated by love and compassion for those who are feeling the first wave of impacts of the climate crisis. There’s so much at stake, I see the climate crisis as an opportunity to address the deeper problems of injustice in our society. That’s why I’m a part of 350NH. Together, we can create the movement that will actualize our vision for a just, stable, and life-giving future.

I was born in 1995.  18 years after Exxon knew that burning fossil fuels would cause global warming, super storms, droughts--what we’re beginning to experience now.  Fossil fuel companies, the Koch brothers, and many others have been lying to us to make more profit.

When I look to the future, I know there’s only one way forward. And that’s by continuing to build our movement from the ground up: joining with other people and getting organized.

That’s why I’m a member of 350NH. And that’s why I’m asking you today to make a donation to 350NH on #GivingTuesday.

I’m part of the leadership team at 350NH and we’ve got big plans for 2016.  I know another world is possible and look forward to building it with you.

We are working to raise $10,000 to build our movement into the upcoming year. And as a small, local organization every dollar makes a difference to our movement. Click here to contribute your tax deductible donation.

Thank you and I look forward to seeing you in the streets!


Giselle Hart


Get Inspired, Get Creative (NED pipeline)


Did you know NH has a cap on solar energy?