Granite Bridge Pipeline Is Dangerous and Bad for Our Environment

Liberty Utilities is looking to run a natural gas pipeline that would run under the Lamprey River two times through my hometown of Raymond.  The Granite Bridge Pipeline would run from Manchester, through Raymond, out toward the seacoast, putting neighborhoods and communities along the route in danger.  Just last week Liberty Utilities held an LNG (liquid natural gas) “science fair” in Epping at which they purported natural gas to be safe.  Dozens of Epping residents, along with others from towns along the pipeline route, showed up to this event to oppose the LNG storage tank that would be sited right off of Exit 6, saying it is not safe and it’s bad for the environment.

The following morning it was all over the news that there was a natural gas pipeline explosion overnight in Lincoln County Kentucky with flames so high they could be seen from space.  The blast killed one person trying to escape, melted part of a railroad track, completely destroyed five homes and damaged others. Just imagine that happening in Raymond or Epping.  How would our communities ever be able to recover?  Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin said, “These things happen.  It’s a dangerous industry.  It’s a dangerous business.”

It's long past time for us to end our dependence on fossil fuels. We can transition to safe, clean and renewable sources of energy now by preventing Liberty Utilities from expanding their natural gas infrastructure in New Hampshire. Governor Jay Inslee, candidate for president, recently announced his opposition to the GBP project on WMUR saying, “In New Hampshire, we have an opportunity to begin that transition now, by preventing Liberty Utilities from cementing its reach across New Hampshire through the Granite Bridge Pipeline… It’s time to stand with local New Hampshire leaders fighting the pipeline’s construction."

We need more leaders and elected officials to join us in opposing this unnecessary fossil fuel project that will only increase utility profits, while harming our citizens, our environment, and our climate. New Hampshire can and must do better for our economy, our environment, and the communities we care for. It’s time to invest in clean local energy to keep our dollars and our jobs in New Hampshire.

~ Jennifer Dube


Voices from Youth Climate Strikes


5 Reasons Why Raymond Doesn’t Need the Granite Bridge Pipeline