Hundreds Gather for Virtual Launch of Statewide Climate and Jobs Coalition

Community members, legislators, environmental advocates, social justice organizations, and others came together Thursday, January 14,  for the virtual launch of New Hampshire Renews, a statewide grassroots coalition created to address the Granite State’s interconnected crises of racial injustice, climate crisis, mass unemployment, and the coronavirus pandemic. The New Hampshire Renews campaign combines electoral work, coalition building, advocacy, and grassroots organizing to win bold policies for racial, economic and environmental justice. Guest speakers at the launch included Sunrise Movement Executive Director Varshini Prakash, State Representative Rebecca McWilliams, State Senator Rebecca Perkins Kwoka, as well as community and youth activists from across the Granite State.

“I am tired of frontline communities not being included while people organize around issues that heavily impact communities like mine,” says food justice organizer, Yolanda Huerta, “For so long I’ve struggled understanding how our voices can be heard, but I’ve found that it’s through coalitions like these that we can amplify our message. I am proud to be a part of a great Renews coalition that centers the voices of those most impacted while building real state power for change that will finally benefit all our communities.“

Jordan King, youth organizer, speaks about the need to take meaningful action, “If we don’t see the change we need soon, I can’t see a future ahead of me. The vision is foggy and unclear. But when I imagine a future where we took action to stop the climate crisis, the image is crystal clear,” she adds, “everyone has easy access to clean water, fresh air, cold winters, green trees, thriving wildlife, windmills, solar panels, public transportation, and fresh food from local farms.”

The initiative centers around a statewide jobs guarantee grounded in economic justice, racial justice and combating the climate crisis at the scale we need for a livable future.

New Hampshire Renews is part of the Renew New England Alliance, a growing coalition of nearly 150 organizations - including frontline communities, organized labor, Indigenous tribes, environmental justice advocates, youth groups, and racial justice organizations. In June of last year., Renew New England was joined by Sen. Bernie Sanders, Rep. Ayanna Pressley, and Rep. Ro Khanna launched its shared vision and policy framework for the region. This week, New Hampshire joins Renew New England member states Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Vermont, in launching a state Renew coalition.

Asma Elhuni, Movement Politics Director for grassroots organization, Rights & Democracy notes, "We are living in a time of major crisis. Crisis is the language of the earth telling us change is not only needed but is necessary. No better time than now is Renew New England needed. We are excited to unveil our 2021 Renews platform with the people of New Hampshire." 

New Hampshire Renews coalition members include Rights & Democracy, 350 New Hampshire, American Friends Service Committee NH, Community Action Works, Conservation Law Foundation, Granite State Organizing Project, Merrimack River Watershed Council, ​New Hampshire Youth Movement, Penacook Band of Cowasuck-Abenaki, Rise Upper Valley, and Unitarian Universalist Action.

Did you miss the launch? Watch it here.

Sign our petition here to tell your state representatives to support the NH Renews policy platform.


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