A brief history

For years we have been lied to by the fossil fuel Industry.  We’ve been told that if we just change our light bulbs and drink out of metal straws, we’ll all be fine.  This couldn’t be further from the truth. To stop the climate crisis, we need broad systemic and structural change to ensure a  just transition to 100% renewable energy. We launched 350NH because change doesn’t happen on its own. Vs. Fossil Fuels coalition, and hires a full time Youth Campaigns Organizer to help us grow the youth program.

350NH History

  • 2008: 350.org national is founded by a group of university friends in Vermont along with Bill McKibben who writes one of the first books on global warming for the general public.

  • 2009: organizing begins with coordinated days of action around the world. Independent local 350 groups begin to pop up as volunteers  gather around global calls to action.

  • 2012: We launch 350 New Hampshire. New Hampshire Peace Action agrees to be our fiscal sponsor. (Learn more about NHPA)

  • 2014: We hire our first part-time staff member.

  • 2015: We launch the Offshore Wind campaign to bring offshore wind energy to the seacoast.

  • 2016: 350NH works on the Offshore Wind campaign.

  • 2017: We hire our first full-time staff member and send bus loads of people to the climate march in DC.

  • 2018: We launch the campaign to Stop the Granite Bridge fracked gas pipeline.

  • 2019: We launch our sister organization 350NH Action to work on the elections, we launch the No Coal No Gas campaign to end the use of coal in New England, we win the offshore wind campaign!

  • 2020: We launch Renew NH to pass a Green New Deal-inspired policies and we elect climate champions up and down the ballot.

  • 2021: We dig into our No Coal No Gas campaign and hire a full time coal organizer.

  • 2022: 350 New Hampshire gets our own 501(c)3 nonprofit status and thanks NHPA for their sponsorship over the years

  • 2022: 350 New Hampshire hires 3 fellows to support our work, joins People Vs. Fossil Fuels coalition, and hires a full time Youth Campaigns Organizer to help us grow the youth program.

  • 2023: 350 New Hampshire hires a full time Organizing Director and two fellows to help us with deep canvassing and pushing our campaigns even further! Today we have a staff team of seven, two fellows, and a team of youth interns.