350 New Hampshire

People Power

for Climate


People Power

for Climate Justice

About 350NH

People Power for Climate Justice

350NH works to stop the climate crisis by building grassroots support for a just transition to renewable energy and an end to fossil fuel use and expansion.

Our goals are to promote the use of clean and renewable energy sources and to phase out polluting and non-renewable energy sources.


About 350NH

People Power for Climate Justice

350NH works to stop the climate crisis by building grassroots support for a just transition to renewable energy and an end to fossil fuel use and expansion.

Our goals are to promote the use of clean and renewable energy sources and to phase out polluting and non-renewable energy sources.

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350NH March Newsletter

In Case You Missed it… Check out our “Upcoming Events” Page for all the events and chapter meetings happening this March! There’s a big rally

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350NH vs. 350.org

350NH is independent. We aren't funded by any national partner.

350NH is an independent local affiliate of 350.org National. That means that we are run by and for the people of New Hampshire, we do all of our own fundraising and make all our own decisions. 350NH shares many goals and much of our branding with 350.org, and we work together as partner organizations. A donation to 350.org will NOT support 350NH’s work.

350NH & 350.org

An autonomous local affiliate of 350.org

350NH is an independent local affiliate of 350.org National. That means that we are run by and for the people of New Hampshire, we do all of our own fundraising and make all our own decisions. 350NH shares many goals and much of our branding with 350.org, and we work together as partner organizations. A donation to 350.org will NOT support 350NH’s work.

We welcome your questions about our relationship with 350.org: email lila@350nh.org

Donate to 350NH

We need your donations to bring 100% renewable energy to New Hampshire.

Donate to 350NH

We need your donations to bring 100% renewable energy to New Hampshire.

Thank you to our business sponsors

Thank you to our business sponsors

Thank you

business sponsors

to our